2024 News
The water supplied to sites will be turned off on October 17 2024 at approximately 11 am for the winter season. Turning it off at that time will enable us to properly winterize and prepare the Park for the winter months by the end of October.
The lower rec hall washrooms will remain fully open and there will be potable water available in the lower rec hallway. There may be a short time delay in these washrooms reopening as we switch water supply systems, perhaps 1-2 hours.
I would remind members to please make certain that the lot lines at the rear and sides of the trailers are debris free for staff to move freely around trailers as they drain the water lines at your service post. These taps are then left open for the winter season, please do not close them or reattach hoses.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
Thank you, John (emailed Oct 4 2024) -
Beginning October 7, 2024 our contractor will begin work installing new wiring at the following sites: 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229 and 230. There will be excavation along the back lot lines of these sites to install new wiring. This will not affect the access to your sites and the power will remain on. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks, John (emailed Oct 3, 2024) -
Refurbishing of Our 40’ x 80’ Pool Project has been passed by the Board of Directors.
Project Overview: The refurbishment will include the following updates:
· Sandblasting
· Marbelite bonding and finishing
· New coping
· Installation of 7 skimmers
· Addition of 12" waterline tiles
· Upgraded 3’ removal and replacement of concrete around the pool
· New underground plumbing
Rationale: These updates are essential to ensure the safety, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of our pool. The improvements will enhance the overall experience for all users and extend the lifespan of the pool.Planned Timeline: September 2024 until June 2025.
More details for Members within Members Documents.
This is a friendly reminder that the recent mail-out of tax bills has a due date of August 10th. Please ensure your payment is made by this date.
Kindly note that any member in default will not have the privilege of voting at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM).
If you didn't receive your tax bill, please call or visit the office for further information.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
(Emailed to members Aug 9)
We have scheduled Clean Lakes to come to PLCA to clean the weeds out of the boat basin.
The date is August 10 2024 at 10 am. As always this is dependent on the weather.
We encourage Members with docks to remove their boats so that a more thorough cleaning can be done. As it is extremely difficult to determine the exact times for each dock to be done, Members should be prepared for a wait of a few hours before returning their boats to their slips. Thank you for your cooperation and I will update you should any changes occur.
(posted Aug 4, 2024)
We are expecting a large garbage bin to be delivered for members to dispose of their larger or unconventional waste items. Date of arrival is June 7, 2024 and we expect to have it available until June 17, which covers two weekends. Please no hazardous waste materials, tires or propane tanks. Mattresses and box springs accepted at $25 per item. This is not intended for large construction waste such as decks and add a rooms. Please free to contact the office for further info.
(posted June 7, 2024)
Members please see the Members Topics “Spring Information Meeting” tile for details regarding the May 19 10am Spring Information Meeting being held in the Upper Rec Hall, with optional Zoom attendance.
(posted May 11, 2024)
Each year 3 or 4 of the Board of Directors seats become up for election, from the total Board of 10 volunteer members. These 3-year staggered terms ensure continuity of knowledge about the park is maintained within this stewardship. Nominate a fellow member to join the Board and be part of this important volunteer group that helps keeps our park this jewel in the Kawarthas! Nominations for this year’s new joining Board members closes Sunday, May 19, at 4pm. See Members Topics "VOTE" tile for more information.
(posted May 5, 2024)
Potable water is now available at all trailer sites.
Thank you for your patience,
John Churchill
Park Manager -
We are now waiting for approval of our drinking water samples in order to supply potable water to the park sites. We expect that to happen early next week (April 23 – April 24) There was a delay due to a large water leak on the south side of the park (which is now repaired). and the system appears to be in good working order.
I will send an email as soon as we hear the water is safe to turn on.
John Churchill
Park Manager -
Good Morning,
We are in the process of readying the drinking water system for delivery to sites. Today, April 14, we will be flushing the complete system to all trailers with chlorinated water to sanitize the system and check for leaks. DO NOT attach your water hoses to the taps on your posts until advised to do so by staff.
Due to favorable conditions we expect to have potable water to sites earlier than was possible in recent years. Once we have the lines prepared we will have the water tested for Public Health approval. We must wait for their okay which may take a few days after testing.
As soon as we have approval you will be the first to know. Well, second, I guess I will be the first.
Have a great day, it won’t be long now.
John Churchill
Park Manager -
We have had a few members contact us regarding PLCR opening on April 15 2024. This date is only the start of our permit to operate and is not the date that the Park is in full operation.
Our Park’s Season Permit with Trent Lakes Municipality means on April 15 we are permitted for overnight habitation within our park from April 15 forward until the Seasonal Permit closes the park on November 15. However, please understand that many services - like water to sites - are not available yet.
We will advise Members of all pertinent dates, when known, such as when the water to sites will be on. Potable water is available at the Rec Centre.
Maintenance staff is back working and we are moving forward with preparations.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
John Churchill, Park Manager -
Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024 10:21 AM
Beginning April 1, there will be no daytime burning permitted (between the hours of 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) until October 31, 2024.
If you are planning on having an open air burn in Trent Lakes, you must have a burn permit. A burn permit is free and is valid until December 31st of the year you obtained it. Learn more about burn permits here.
When do I need a burn permit?
You need a burn permit for the following types of fires:
Brush fires
Burn barrels
Chimenea's and outdoor open air fireplaces
Everyone should have received the package with the Amended and Restated Membership / Occupancy / Lease agreement via Canada Post.
We have received questions which have been answered and posted for you to see on our website pigeon.on.ca in the Members Tab-Members Documents-ONCA-Members: see Comments / Concerns / Questions and FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions.
We also want to remind everyone of the fast approaching deadline of March 31st for questions/responses.
Again, you can send your comments, concerns and questions in the following manner:
- Email the Park Office plca@pigeon.on.ca with the subject line as ‘ONCA comments’.
- Fill out the ingress form on our Park Website –Members Tab-Members Documents-ONCA.
- Mail your comments via Canada Post to the Park office, PLCA, 28 Fire Route 74, Lakehurst, ON K0L 1J0
Thank You,
PLCA Board of Directors
Members will be receiving via postal service information including a new ONCA-compliant Membership / Occupancy Agreement. The Board will seek membership approval of these ONCA updates at this summer’s AGM. Details in the Members Documents section of the website.
2024 Maintenance fees of $3396 has its first installment of $849 payment due no later than Feb 1 2024. Details in the Members Documents section of the website.