Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hours at the Office?
Nov to April: Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Closed Saturday and Sunday. May to October: Wednesday to Sunday 8:00am - 4:30pm Closed Monday and Tuesday. These are also shown on the Contact tab.
When does the park officially open and when does the water get turned on in the spring?
Our park permit from the municipality of Trent Lakes is from April 15 to November 15th. Please refer to the Rules and Regulations - Section 2 - 15. Occupancy for additional information or speak to the park manager.
In the Rules and Regulations – Section 2 - 12. Water/Water Restrictions it states: In the Spring the water will be turned on April 15th or the first PLCA business day following the 15th. Both water off and water on is at the Manager's discretion and/or weather permitting.
Can I rent or loan out my trailer to others?
The Member must fill out the “Notification of Site Rental/Guest Occupancy” form for any guests whether renters or visitors when you the member are not going to be on site. A paper version of the form is included in your mail-out Budget package. It can be requested from the office. The completed form must be received by the office 1 week prior to occupancy. Also refer to the Rules and Regulations - Section 2 – 2. Guests and Renters for additional information.
Can I pay my annual maintenance fee by instalments?
Yes, you can! Total maintenance commitment or payment is due February 1. “Members in Good Standing” (see below*) will have an instalment payment option as follows:
February 1
March 1
April 1
May 1
Notice of arrears will go out on the 2nd day after any unpaid instalments are due, these notices stating the member(s) have 45 days to make payment or hydro will be interrupted at members’ site. The hydro will only be reinstated once all maintenance and outstanding fees are paid in full. If the step to turn hydro off at the site had to be done, the entire maintenance and all fees become due immediately.
*Members not paying on time are "members not in good standing". A "member not in good standing" is not allowed to vote at Association meetings. Only “members in good standing” are eligible to rent out their site.
How do I get a boat dock, canoe rack spot and/or waterfront post, and what do these cost annually?
Requests for docks and posts are handled through the Office, where a queue is kept and periodically posted under glass outside the Office entrance. The annual fee for docks, posts and canoe/kayak racks is posted in Fees and Services on this website. Also refer to the Rules and Regulations - Section 2 - 3. Boats and Docks for additional information, also posted on this website under Important Documents.
Can I borrow equipment from the park?
Members can borrow items from maintenance, such as hand tools and gardening tools. Examples are wheelbarrows, ladders, rakes, shovels, and even the utility trailer. Due to licensing and insurance factors, the park does not loan out anything motorized.
Can I run for election to join the Board of Directors?
Any member “In Good Standing” can run for a Board of Director seat. Elections are held around May of each year for several of the Board seats in a staggered fashion to foster continuity. The term for each seat is 3 years. Dates will be announced on this website, and you can also refer to our By-Law 1F document for further details.
Can members rent or book the REC Hall for a private event?
This policy does fluctuate from time to time, but presently the REC Hall is blocked for private events during the peak season weekends (including long weekends) to prioritize REC Committee events and in doing so foster an availability to all members policy. Some of these REC events may require a small fee for access to a special event, in order for those participating in that event to cover the necessary associated costs for that event. REC events get created and run with sometimes long range planning, but more often on short timelines by energetic volunteers with an idea that many will benefit from. If the REC Hall took private bookings for peak summer weekends this would not be possible to run these many REC events. The REC Hall is available through the weekdays and during off peak season weekends, though, again, this policy is under constant review. If you have an idea for an event, consider contacting Recreation and volunteering to hold that event as a park event, being inclusive while still enjoying the moment you wanted to create for your friends and family.
Can I make improvements to my site such as put up a fence, or add a sun room, deck, patio or gazebo?
There are rules relating to Renovations, Building and Grounds. Please see the office as both internal-to-Park and Trent Lake municipal permits may be required and must first be approved by the manager. The necessary municipal permit is actually filed by the Park to the municipality, and not by the Member/Site.
When I add a garden, trees or bushes around my site, is there a road and/or property allowance I need to be aware of?
Yes, there are allowance restrictions for safety reasons. Before starting you should check with the manager on the allowance requirements.
Where can I launch my boat?
There is a boat launch open to the public just south on Elim Lodge Road, where the road terminates into the lake. Mind the posted speed limit as you enter Elim Lodge Park. You will need an assigned dock from our Office if you plan to dock within our boat basin, or you may rent a dock from Elim Lodge at their docks.
Can I leave my boat, seadoo trailer or utility trailer on my site?
Only in the off-season. During the season, watercraft trailers can be stored for a fee in the trailer storage lot. Go through the Office for this, and for the fee payment. The fee is listed in the Fees and Services on this website. For more information, see our “Rules and Regulations – Section 2 - 13. The Storage of Utility Trailers, Boat Trailers, Snowmobiles, Pop-ups, etc”:
a) Member's sites may be used for storage between the Labour Day weekend and the Victoria Day weekend only. After this time period all boats, trailers, snowmobiles, and pop-ups etc. must be removed from the park unless approved by park management.
b) Nothing other than a boat trailer is to be stored in the designated area. All boat trailers are to have the owner's site number painted on the tongue.
When are the Park washrooms available?
The four satellite washroom buildings are opened with a key members received when they joined. The main REC Hall washrooms are open 24/7 during the operating season, including hot showers.
Where is the nearest place to walk to for ice cream, snack food or a full dinner?
The Elim Lodge Snackery is just south along Elim Lodge Road within the Elim Lodge Resort. Elim Lodge also has several other interesting features including a small store and a community hall that frequently puts on free concerts, and the Lakeside Elim Lodge Dining Room that takes reservations (705-657-8306).
What can I do to support the Park?
Lots of small ways in everyday activity can contribute to our community! Here are some ideas:
stack the beach chairs under the gazebo after use to prevent damage and loss
separate garbage appropriately to avoid penalties from the municipality
flush only single-ply toilet paper and biological waste down your toilet to reduce sewer blockages
don’t fish in the boat basin, or across the basin opening
look after fire pits, and douse fires before heading to bed
observe and obey noise and late night rules
drop any refund bottles into the Recreation Bottle Drive drop-off located near the mini-putt.
pick up any garbage you see as you walk around the park and dispose in bins
don’t smoke at the beach, nor leave cigarette butts in the sand the kids play in
obey the lifeguards and understand they are upholding municipal by-laws while they keep our children safe
slow down as you drive around the Park. Kids do unpredictable things. You are the adult.
What is permissible garbage? (we also have a dump pass)
Garbage is to be disposed of within clear plastic bags into the large bins just outside the maintenance shed. Construction materials, furniture and metals are not permitted within our garbage. A dump pass is available to members to take such materials to the dump, and occasionally the Park will organize special collections of materials and make available a large bin. These special collections would be announced by the Park management in the News and Announcements.
Do we do anything special for fall leaves ?
In the fall, large dumpsters will be brought in near the garbage bins for fall leave collection. Members will use gardening bags to transport leaves from their sites to these bins.
How is recycling handled ?
There are two recycling spots within the Park! The first most common spot at the side of the maintenance shed on the south side with clearly marked blue bins to accept all your recycling types. The second spot for recycling returns for which we would receive return money is located at a shed across from the main recreation sign. The proceeds from these recyclings goes to the REC Committee to help sponsor activities and events across the Park.
What can I do with firepit ash?
Two special collection bins for firepit ash are located just outside the maintenance shed.
Is there a spot within the Park to wash my boat or car?
Yes! On the north side of the maintenance shed, between the maintenance shed and the boat basin is a garden hose just for this purpose!
How do I find out information about Power Outages?
The most power outage occurs when either you trip a breaker inside your trailer, or you exceed 30 amps of service to your trailer from your nearby breaker panel. Occasionally, an upstream breaker may go, or we lose one or all of the power phases servicing the park. When power to the park area goes out, you can try for status from Hydro One’s special website.